About IAB

History of IAB

About IAB

Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB) was established on February 25th, 1972 in Dhaka, following the independence of the country in 1971. The founder president of the Institute was Architect Muzharul Islam.

Thanks to the untiring efforts of all the past executive committees/councils IAB now runs its activities from it’s own premises at Agargaon, Dhaka. The design of the IAB Center was selected through a design competition held among the members of IAB. Beside the IAB central office in Dhaka, currently it has a Chapter in Chittagong and 2 Centres in Khulna & Sylhet.

IAB is run as per it’s Constitution to promote professionalism and development of the profession of architecture in the country. IAB regularly organizes different programs for the Members and the public.

IAB regularly engages with different ministries and government authorities to assist them in regulatory issues and to promote the profession. Recently the Ministry of Local Government issued a directive to all the local government institutions to include IAB representatives in the Building Plan Approving and Construction Quality Ensuring Committees of all the City Corporations, Pourashavasa and Upazila Parishads.

Executive Council of IAB

The Institute is run by a fifteen-member Executive Council, elected by the general members for a two year term.   

Membership of IAB

Bangladeshi nationals graduating from IAB accredited national architectural program and and UIA recognized architectural programs are eligible to apply for IAB membership. There are 4 categories of general membership, namely Fellow, Member, Associate Member & Student Member in addition to general membership category, there are 2 honorary categories namely Honorary Fellow and Honorary Member.

Membership is regulated by the Constitution, By-Laws and the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the Institute.

International Affiliations

IAB is a member of the following International & Regional Architectural bodies:

UIA             :    Union of International Architects

CAA            :    Commonwealth Association of Architects

ARCASIA    :    Architects Regional Council Asia

SAARCH     :    South Asian Association of Architects

Accreditation Standards of IAB (ASIAB)

To maintain minimum standard of architectural education in the country, IAB has a Board of Architectural Education. Among it’s different activities, the Board accredits the undergraduate programs offered by the universities in the country based on the ASIAB.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programs

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs are very popular among the members. To maintain the proficiency of the Members, very soon it will be made mandatory for renewing Memberships. A number of CPD programs on various building rules, codes, building services & professional practice issues are regularly being conducted by IAB.

Seminars and Lectures

IAB lecture program is a very popular event. As a public relation activity, some lectures are open to not only architects but also to the public. IAB invites distinguished architects and relevant professionals from home and abroad in these lectures. A large number of architects from different countries of Asia, Africa, Europe & USA have already made presentation on their works.

Publications & Exhibitions

  • The Institute publishes “IAB Newsletter” covering national and international news and views on architectural issues. Besides the News Letter, IAB has printed version of
  • Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct 2018
  • Sample Employment Handbook for Architectural Practices 2018 § Introduction to Standard Contracts & Scale of Minimum Fees 2018
  • Manual of Procedure for Selection of Architects
  • Publication on Design Competition Winning Projects
  • Publication on Award Winning Projects of IAB Members
  • Bi-Annual Reports

Architectural Design Competitions

To promote new talents, IAB regularly administers architectural design competitions, Due to IAB’s relentless efforts, architectural design competitions has become a popular system of procuring architectural services for major public and civic building projects.

IAB Design Award

The Institute has introduced IAB design Awards since 1996. It is a biennial program. It is considered as the most prestigious design awards for the architects of the country.

Berger Award for Excellence in Architecture

Originally conceived & introduced as Berger Young Architects Awards, Berger Awards for Excellence in Architecture is a very popular and prestigious joint program of Berger Paints Bangladesh and IAB.

Other Design Awards

Members of IAB are regularly winning awards in different regional & international architectural awards programs.

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